b'The foundation created Flavors evEnts in\x14\x13\x17er \x15\x1f\x16 S\x1a\x15\x1f\x15\x19 \x16re\x15m\x0be\x18ome\x19 \x07e\x15\x17\x1d\x1e\x13multiple citIes, continuing to raise AwarenEsS and\x1ae i\x11 \x1fo \x1e\x1ae p\x0fo\x1c\x16 \x10\x15\x1e\x1aer o\x10 3 \x0be\x15\x1c\x1e\x1d\x10\x1c\x17 \x18\x1a\x1d\x17\x16re\x1fFunding benEfitTing Multiple SclerosiS causeSI continued to speak,\x14\x1ae \x11\x1eor\x13 \x18o\x1f\x1e\x1d\x1f\x1ce\x19.sharing what I Had goneMy dark moMents came through and learnedbecause I diD not know along the way myself as a man. I diD not know What Those other things that made me hapPy werE.AlL my life I was a foOtbalL player, I diD not necEsSarily have Things werE going welL andthat one thing to kick ShanA and I decideD we werE readyback on that was goingto start a family.to be my pasSion.But TherE was aproblem. I became a motivational speaker I feEl blesSed beyondand host my own Radio show on measure to have a family.the Horn atx.I aim to spread I found myself back with the Doctor,It is my greatest joy to bepositIvity, and strive to educate. having discusS my Erectile Dysfunctiona husband anda father. Elevate and ColLaborate. # r EeC hbrought on from My MSM\x1c\x17\x1e\x1dp\x17e S\x18\x17ero\x11i\x19 Re\x11our\x18e\x19It may be a chalLengingDo\x1f\x1e\x1d\x1b\x1fore \x1e\x1ae \x11\x13mp\x1eom\x19, \x1e\x1aere\x11 p\x17e\x1f\x1e\x13 o\x10 \x1aope \x15\x1f\x16 \x1ae\x17p o\x1c\x1e \x1e\x1aere!road for you, but TherE are some treatments we can ofFerDoc, what can I do?NationalMSSociety.org mscare.org msviews.org ms-coalition.orgWilL I evEr be able to91% of men and 72% of have children?women who have Multiple SclerosiS may be afFectedcando-ms.org mymsaa.org bandagainstms.com erasems.org msbrainhealth.orgby sexual problems.msfocus.org acceleratedcure.org msif.org msworld.org'