b'After my Pro Day, I was So excited about wherE my futUre was heading. Sir, the results indicateI knew I neEdeD to continue to staythat you have beEn diagnosed focused and work hard. with Multiple Sclerosis , a disabling disease of the brain and spinal cord.Until. just 7 days later, This cant be hapPeniNg.I could not keEp my secret any longer My worst fears are coming true.\x14\x1ai\x19 i\x19\x14\x13\x17er\x19 We neEd a doctor! \x10ir\x11\x1e\x16e\x0b\x1d\x17\x1d\x1e\x15\x1e\x1d\x1f\x1bMy friend Tyler colLapsed on the floOr in our apArtment. He cant walkepi\x11o\x16e o\x10 MSand is SlurRing his word s. They gave me a spinal tap, wherE they take a neEdle and jamMed it right into MS \x11\x13mp\x1eom\x19\x1d\x1f\x18\x17\x1c\x16emy spinal cord and extracted my spinal fluid.; they sent me through a host of MRIs wherE visIon problems, fatigue, numbnesS andthey showed I had Brain lesions, tingling, muscle spasmS, stifFnesS, feEling weak and pain. Problems with thinking,LiteralLy holes in my brain. learniNg and planNing.They diagnosed me with a disease calLedMultiple Sclerosis right Then and therE.'