b'Back Home in Austin, i StrugGled I started to walk to the beat of a difFerEnt drumMer, to adjust To my new life.thought over what The futUre had in store for me and My doctors worked hard to find thenot what The past was trying to deny me.right medication regimen to helpWhatevEr you say manAge my MS. brother, you know We areI realized it was time forAlL my life I thought sports would always herE for you. me to share my mesSage. be the avenue to help people. When in alL This isnt goingactuality, it was the storm of MS that came to be Easy, Im realLythrough and wiped evErything completEly going to neEd the help ofout of my life for me so i could my family. blaze a new path. ShanA, youve beEn therE for Tyler and His Father Earl atTendeDme and picked me up when I Physical Therapy together and ultimatelywas down, I cant believE youThe CampbelLs embrace Tylers Multiple SclerosiS and came awAy with a greater and closer bondare now my wife! choOse to serve others. Pro Player Foundation launched with one another. Flavors of Austin to raise awArenEsS and funding for MS.While livIng with MS, Tyler is able to falL in love and marRy ShanA.'